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Changing the Narrative

The Narrative

Africa has for the longest time been painted with images such as poverty, underdeveloped, and ODA, and has been continuously the most exposed and vulnerable to global crises such as rising interest rates, geopolitical tensions, climate change, and recently covid pandemic.

However, with new technologies, rapid population growth, and rich natural resources from agriculture to rare earth materials, Africa is on the cusp of becoming one of the most strategically important geographies on Earth with the potential to redefine many status quo practices.

With many of the traditional rule-of-law of finance and investing being put into question, we see Africa and the Global South playing a more principal role in the Global Economy arena in the future.




Novastar Venturesがアフリカ市場の24年見通しを公表

2023年の見返し&2024年の見通しレポート。マクロ、ミクロ、そしてアフリカのメガトレンドを投資チームがまとめております。 Link: Novastar Ventures 2023 Lookback & 2024 Outlook
December 28, 2023

SBI、アフリカVC Novastar Venturesと資本提携 アフリカのクリーンテック領域に投資

SBIホールディングスは2日、ベンチャーキャピタル(VC)の英ノバスター・ベンチャーズに出資し資本提携したと発表した。加えてノバスターが運用し、アフリカの環境関連企業に投資するファンドに4000万ドル(約60億円)出資する。成長が期待されるアフリカでの投資機会を拡大する。 リンク:日経記事
December 8, 2023

Newletter Update #13

WHO Foundation in Japan, Nigeria/JICA Japan roadshow, Africa/Japan market update and 2H outlook (Cleantech)
August 6, 2023